Many people are frustrated with the infrastructure of education systems. From standardization to institutionalization, parents, educators, and students alike are seeking a way to navigate a variety of factors with the single hope of gaining/providing quality instruction. Collegiate Coaching Services has teamed up with IndieEd and its incredible collective of educators to support just such a goal. As an academic coaching service we have sought-out a highly educated and motivated team to come alongside the students needing an extra bit of guidance through their college experience. IndieEd collects tutors, consultants, and other committed education supporters who can augment our students’ experience. With our collaborative approach, an individualized network of assistance can be designed to effect the change and success that students and their families are hoping to accomplish.
Commonly, those looking for additional support to navigate administrative structures, organizational tasks, and academic work do not know where to turn. Through the network we are building with IndieEd, Collegiate Coaching Services hopes to provide efficiency to for families and school administrators to supplement the support that students need to be successful in their academic pursuits.
Another aspect we commonly find in the realm of specialized student support is that looking past the presenting issues. Parents will often complain about their child’s overuse of technology, or addictive use of video games. As one of a very few programs in the nation addressing this issue from a clinical perspective, Collegiate Coaching Services assesses for factors underlying students seemingly pathological attachment to electronic devices. If indeed they are using them to cope, then we ask: “what are the stressors in the person’s life that are leading them to problematic technology use?” We have a staff trained to support the “in-real-life” experiences students may be missing if moving to their technology for solace, accomplishment, or confidence.